6 Benefits of Real Estates Cold Calling Services | Real Estates Lead Generation

The real estate industry is incredibly competitive, and this means that your real estate business needs to be at the top of its game to succeed. The key to this success, of course, is by generating new customers.

But finding these new customers is difficult. Therefore, it’s crucial you start your sales funnel by generating leads. Now, one of the best ways to achieve this is through cold calling, but it’s also time-consuming.

However, it suddenly becomes easier (and more cost-effective) when you reap the benefits of virtual assistant cold calling services.

What is a Virtual Assistant Cold Caller?

In the real estate industry, making cold calls is one of the most prominent strategies used to generate new leads and deliver new clients for your realtors. These cold calls are made to find potential leads.

Given the nature of selling homes, these are often brand-new clients who have no prior relationship with your business. Essentially, the objective of the cold call is to establish the foundations of a business/customer relationship and then analyze whether there is potential to do business.

Traditionally, realtors, between their numerous duties, make cold calls. But it’s a time-intensive task that often has low returns. This isn’t always the best use of a realtor’s time, as less than a third of cold calls are answered.

Nonetheless, cold calls remain useful to real estate businesses, as even the smallest margins of success can make a big difference. This can be found with virtual assistant cold calling services.

Needing only a PC and an internet connection, a real estate virtual assistant can work remotely from anywhere in the world and make these cold calls. These virtual assistants are armed with a list of potential leads to work their way through. They will take over the cold calling duties from your realtors, allowing them to invest their productivity into more pressing tasks.

The Benefits of Virtual Assistant Cold Calling Services

Real estate virtual assistants represent an exciting opportunity for real estate businesses. But it’s important to dig down into exactly what marks them out as valuable. Accordingly, with a virtual assistant on board, your business can look forward to the following benefits:

Cost Effective

Working with a virtual assistant can save you up to 78% in operating costs, so this is a saving that few businesses can afford to ignore. That’s why outsourcing your cold calling tasks can make a real difference to your margins.

But why are real estate virtual assistants so cost-effective? Well, for one thing, virtual assistants don’t incur the overheads associated with an in-house team, such as desk, IT equipment, and training.

Additionally, as virtual assistants are outsourced, there’s no requirement for employers to provide 401(k) contributions or sickness pay.

Fully Trained

Delivering efficient virtual assistant cold calling services requires specific knowledge and experience. So the productivity of your business can take a significant hit while a new employee is being trained.

Thankfully, real estate virtual assistants come fully trained in how to make cold calls that are both professional and successful. No matter how high the level of demand is, your virtual assistant will be able to hit the ground running and generate leads from day one.

Enhanced Availability

Many real estate businesses only operate between the standard business hours of 9–5, but the real estate industry is changing quickly. With more people looking to invest in properties overseas, the market is becoming more and more global.

However, it’s not cost-effective to have in-house cold calling teams working in your offices 24/7. But this problem is solved with the remote nature of real estate virtual assistants, many of whom live outside the US, where the time zone difference is more beneficial to their working lives.


One of the major draws of employing real estate virtual assistants is their flexibility when it comes to work. Usually paid by the hour, virtual assistants allow you to schedule your workload efficiently and cost-effectively. So, for example, if you only have two hours’ worth of cold calls to be made, you only need to hire the virtual assistant for two hours.

This is in stark contrast to an in-house salaried employee who you will need to pay for all their contracted hours. And, best of all, given that the virtual assistant industry is constantly growing, there will always be a virtual assistant available for your needs.

Increased Productivity

Adopting virtual assistants into your real estate business to take on cold calling duties will maximize your productivity in other areas. By taking the strain of cold calling off your realtors, they will be freed up to concentrate on more crucial aspects of their role, such as closing deals or dealing with last-minute issues between buyers and sellers. Regardless of how they invest their newfound time, this boost in productivity will ensure that your real estate business benefits in numerous ways.


The good news with real estate virtual assistants is that they aren’t limited to purely completing cold calls. This means that, once their cold calling duties are completed, a virtual assistant can easily turn their hand to any other outstanding tasks your business has.

Your Next Steps to Success

Bringing virtual assistant cold calling services into your workforce is a sure-fire way to galvanize the productivity of your business. Not only will this approach free up your realtors to concentrate on the more important aspects of their roles, but it will also provide an enhanced working environment with the added bonus of being cost-effective. It’s a difficult proposition to argue against, and once you understand all the benefits, it’s almost impossible.

However, to start moving your real estate business in the right direction, you need to make connections with real estate virtual assistants. Naturally, as this is a relatively new employment niche, you may be wondering where to look.

But look no further, as CEO Concierge will take the pain out of this search. All you have to do is get in touch with CEO Concierge, and before you know it, your cold calls will be taken care of easily and professionally.

Why Choose CEO Concierge for Your Real Estate Cold Calling Needs?

Real estate businesses are always looking for ways to stay ahead of the competition, and outsourcing cold calling tasks to a virtual assistant service like CEO Concierge can provide the edge you need. Here’s why CEO Concierge is the ideal partner for your real estate cold calling needs:

Expertise in Real Estate Cold Calling

CEO Concierge has a team of virtual assistants who specialize in real estate cold calling. They understand the unique challenges of the real estate market and have the skills to identify potential leads, build rapport with prospects, and set the stage for successful client relationships.

Customized Solutions for Your Business

Every real estate business is unique, and CEO Concierge offers customized solutions to meet your specific needs. Whether you need part-time assistance or full-time support, CEO Concierge can provide virtual assistants who align with your business goals and operational requirements.

Commitment to Quality

Quality is paramount when it comes to cold calling. CEO Concierge ensures that their virtual assistants are not only fully trained but also continuously monitored and coached to maintain the highest standards of professionalism and effectiveness. This commitment to quality translates into better lead generation and higher conversion rates for your business.

Cost Savings and Scalability

Outsourcing your cold calling tasks to CEO Concierge can lead to significant cost savings. You won’t need to invest in additional office space, equipment, or training for in-house staff. Plus, the scalability of virtual assistant services means you can easily adjust the level of support based on your business needs and market conditions.

Real-World Success Stories

Many real estate businesses have already reaped the benefits of partnering with CEO Concierge. Here are a few success stories that highlight the impact of their virtual assistant cold calling services:

Success Story 1: Boosting Lead Generation for a Boutique Real Estate Firm

A boutique real estate firm was struggling to generate leads consistently. After partnering with CEO Concierge, they saw a 50% increase in qualified leads within the first three months. The virtual assistants from CEO Concierge took over the cold calling tasks, allowing the firm’s realtors to focus on closing deals and providing exceptional service to clients.

Success Story 2: Expanding Reach for an International Real Estate Company

An international real estate company wanted to expand its reach into new markets but faced challenges with time zone differences and language barriers. CEO Concierge provided bilingual virtual assistants who could make calls in multiple languages and accommodate different time zones. This helped the company successfully enter new markets and increase their global client base.

Success Story 3: Streamlining Operations for a High-Volume Real Estate Agency

A high-volume real estate agency needed to streamline its operations to handle the increasing number of leads. CEO Concierge’s virtual assistants took over the cold calling and lead qualification processes, freeing up the agency’s in-house team to focus on more strategic tasks. This resulted in a more efficient workflow and higher overall productivity.

Getting Started with CEO Concierge

If you’re ready to take your real estate business to the next level with virtual assistant cold calling services, CEO Concierge is here to help. Here’s how you can get started:

Step 1: Initial Consultation

Contact CEO Concierge to schedule an initial consultation. During this meeting, you’ll discuss your business needs, goals, and the specific cold calling tasks you need assistance with. This will help CEO Concierge understand how they can best support your real estate business.

Step 2: Customized Plan

Based on the initial consultation, CEO Concierge will develop a customized plan tailored to your business.